Book Haul #1 | Lina

by - 11:14 am

Hello everyone!

Today's post is going to be a little bit different than usual since it won't be a book review but rather a book haul (as you probably already figured from the title lol).

A couple of weeks ago, I visited a yearly book fair which takes place in Zagreb (the capital of Croatia) - Interliber, where you can get various books for much lower prices than usual. This year I outdid myself by buying no less than nine books (which might not be much for some of you, but it is quite a lot for me since I don't usually buy that many books at a time). 

Before we move on with the post, I just want to point out that I am by no means trying to brag or anything similar. For me, book hauls are a fun way to discover new books to add to my TBR and a chance to admire the beautiful covers and I hope this haul will be the same for you.

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The first book that I bought is actually one of my recent favorites - Warcross. Despite being really skeptical about the whole concept of video-game-enhanced reality, it turned out to be one of the best books I've read in 2018 and I would wholeheartedly recommend it. our reviews

Simon Lewis and Isabelle Lightwood were my favorite characters (and ship) from Cassandra Clare's The Mortal Instruments, and this series of novellas really did them justice. Unlike the epub version, the printed version has some short comics before each novella which are a really fun way to quickly remind you of their plot and in my opinion make a nice addition to the book. 

Although I usually prefer buying books I've already read so that I don't waste my money on something I don't like, this time I decided to make an exception and bought a couple of books that have been on my TBR for quite some time now but which I still haven't gotten around to reading. Vicious by V. E. Schwab is one of those books and I hope that owning it will prompt me to read it sooner. Goodreads

After the movie To All the Boys I've Loved Before came out and literally everyone loved it, I resolved to read the whole trilogy before the second movie comes out. I opted for the Croatian edition since the format is bigger and it somehow looks more appealing than the English version. Only the first two installments have been translated though, so I'll probably read the third one in English.

After a friend gave me The Throne of Glass for my birthday, I decided to read the whole series (so far I've only read the first installment a couple of years ago). To motivate myself to do so and because everyone kind of seems to love The Assassin's Blade, I've decided to purchase this book as well. 

This book was recommended to me by a friend, but even if it wasn't, I might have bought it just because of that gorgeous cover! Honestly, it's stunning. I don't know who designed this, but they have done an amazing job.

This is A Reaper at the Gates by Sabaa Tahir. The Ember Quartet has been one of my favorite book series ever since I read the first book a couple of years ago and I was really happy when I realized the third book has been translated as well (I usually hate switching the languages in the middle of a series, especially if it's fantasy since then I have to relearn all the terms all over again). The only thing that kind of annoys me is that they messed up the translation of the title (Mrak na obzoru literally means "dark at the horizon"), but as we don't really have a word for "reaper" in Croatian (or at least not that I'm aware of lol), I guess it's okay.

Last but not least is another extra book of The Shadowhunter Chronicles - An Illustrated History of Notable Shadowhunters & Denizens of Downworld. Although this is more of an anthology, meaning there are no actual stories or plot, I fell in love with all the beautiful illustrations and simply had to have it. The quality of both paper and printing is amazing, and I feel like this book could be a great Christmas present for any TSC fan.

Have you heard of any of these books? Which cover do you like the most? Would you like seeing more of this type of posts, or do you prefer the usual reviews?

- Lina

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2 komentari

  1. I knew about the first Shadowhunter book, but that Illustrated one was a mystery to me. I had no idea it existed XD Warcross is a great choice because the book itself we already know is awesome, but that cover is major aesthetic goals for your shelves *u* Vicious is also great, but I have to admit I haven't heard of A Skinful of Shadows before. Maybe it's a different cover or something...anyways, it's also gorgeous :D

    And this is a great addition to your blog. This way you add some diversity but it also gives us readers a way to get to know you and your style/thoughts a bit better :) Also, great banner heheh I knew you had it in you :*

    1. Thanks haha :D

      P.S. Sorry for replying so late, I didn't even notice this comment until now :$

