Victoria Aveyard: Red Queen (Red Queen #1)

by - 9:03 am

This is a world divided by blood - red or silver. The Reds are commoners, ruled by a Silver elite in possession of god-like superpowers. And to Mare Barrow, a seventeen-year-old Red girl from the poverty-stricken Stilts, it seems like nothing will ever change. That is until she finds herself working in the Silver Palace. Here, surrounded by the people she hates the most, Mare discovers that, despite her red blood, she possesses a deadly power of her own. One that threatens to destroy the balance of power. Fearful of Mare's potential, the Silvers hide her in plain view, declaring her a long-lost Silver princess, now engaged to a Silver prince. Despite knowing that one misstep would mean her death, Mare works silently to help the Red Guard, a militant resistance group, and bring down the Silver regime. But this is a world of betrayal and lies, and Mare has entered a dangerous dance - Reds against Silvers, prince against prince, and Mare against her own heart.


”Anyone can betray anyone.”

After reading so many negative reviews about this series, I honestly expected not to like it. I thought the plot was going to be like a thousand others we’ve all seen before, characters bland, and Mare irritating little miss special snowflake.

Turns out I was wrong about pretty much everything and this book really pleasently surprised me. As the story progressed, I kept thinking things were going to play out the predictable way, but the plot actually kept surprising me time and time again. It is full of intrigues and betrayals, with a little bit of mystery in the background, and everytime I thought I knew what turn the story was going to take and that there would be no more surprises, Victoria Aveyard managed to prove me wrong.

I think that my main problem with the book (in the aspect of narration) was that I read it in Croatian—and somehow I’m not used to reading books in my native language anymore. It’s a sad irony, I know XD Also, although the plot was pretty dense with action, there were also some parts around two thirds of the book when I thought I knew how things were going to end so I got a little bored, but luckily the action took over soon again (and it wasn’t what I thought was going to happen)

The story is set in a modern fantasy, dystopian world where people are divided on Reds and Silvers, based on the color of their blood. And while Reds live in constant fear of all-powerful Silvers who use them to do their dirty jobs, from cleaning and serving to working in the factories and dying in a war. Tired from being treated as less than people, the Reds start a rebellion organization called the Scarlet Guard which fights for the better world where Reds have the same rights as Silvers.
World-building was pretty good and I like how both the lives of Reds and Silvers were described. The only thing that kind of annoyed me is that we didn’t really get to find out how and why the Silvers came to be. But again, I understand that we didn’t get to find that out because the narrator (Mare) herself isn’t very well educated and doesn’t know it either. Still, I’m actually really curious about that and I hope we find out more about it in the next book.

The characters were pretty various and (to me) didn’t seem flat. Each one of them seemed to have a personality on their own and it was interesting to see them pursue their different agendas. Mara didn’t really remind me of any other female MC, which was definitely a good thing. She is a strong female protagonist who actually manages to hold her own in a fight even without her powers. I love how she is not a little perfect goody-two-shoes—she is sassy and bitter towards the Silvers, willing to steal and lie, trick and betray to do what she thinks is right. But still, she is good at heart, cares about her family and friends above all and, more importantly, also has flaws, makes mistakes and learns from them. The two princes were also pretty well characterized and it was interesting to see how different they actually were. Also, I’m really glad that they weren’t perfect and had their own flaws and weaknesses. I have to admit that I really liked Maven, and even now I can’t wait to read more about him as a character (I think a few chapters from his point of view would’ve been great).

My favourite thing about this book were the relationships—and by that, I mean friendships and family relations. I was really happy that there was no hate or rivalry between Mara and her sister, no matter that her sister had a talent and seemed better. Although Mara sometimes felt shadowed, she still loved Gisa and cared much about her. And the scene when she visits her family later and interacts with her brothers—so cute! I also loved her friendship with Kilorn, how they bantered all the time but still did their best to protect each other (I actually ship it, but we’ll see where that (sails)goes)

Romantic relationships, on the other hand, were a bit more complicated and it turns out that Mare has three possible love interests—what geometrical shape that is, I honestly have no idea. Still, I like how all of the ships were based on friendship first and romance (where there actually was romance), developed gradually and although it was connected to the plot, I didn’t have a feeling it took over at any point. I was actually rooting for Mare/Maven, but oh well now. Whatever happens next, they can’t really go back to what they had that easily. Still, if it were up to me, under almost any circumstances I’d have Mare be just friends with Cal, because I just don’t really see them as a couple.

Shortly, this first book turned out much better than I’d thought it would and I’m glad I’ve read it. For the rest of the series...well, I guess I’d just have to wait and see.

*a major SPOILER, that I simply had to mention*
I am really, really glad it turned out there were more people like Mare. It actually raised my opinion of this book since I hate it when there is one “Special” person who is “the only one who can change/save the world” in fantasy/dystopian books. Mare being one of a group of people whose perspective we just happen to follow somehow makes it more...let’s say believeable. If you get what I’m trying to say XD


I must admit I was kind of skeptical when started this book. There were a lot of negative comments about it, but a lot of hype in the same time. Although I feel like negative comments are directed to the rest of the series, and my opinion on that remains to be seen.

"Many things led to this day, for all of us. A forgotten son, a vengeful mother, a brother with a long shadow, a strange mutation. Together, they've written a tragedy."

The beginning itself is enough to interest the reader for the rest of the plot that gets better and more tense with every chapter. Mare lives in a poor village Stilts, in a world divided on Reds- commoners with red blood, and Silvers- elites with supernatural powers and silver blood. When her time to join the army comes, she is desperate to escape and after a series of events finds out she might be something more than a common Red.

Of all things plot and world building got me to actually like this book.

“Anyone can betray anyone”

That would be a perfect description of interactions and affairs happening at kings court. No one is safe, especially Mare who is constantly threatened with her family’s lives and has no room for mistakes. When she is discovered to have red blood, but powers and abilities of a Silver, she becomes a pawn in queen's hands in order to stop rebels called Scarlet Guard, who assassinate Silver's in order to make a change in society. Alongside all dangers her new life as a princess-to be brings, Mare decides to join the Scarlet Guard and make a difference. 

I had a strong impression that a lot of things in this book were about 'making a difference'. From Mare who is angry and bitter about Reds being enslaved and tortured just because they do not have powers, alongside with other members of the Scarlet Guard who believe in a better world with equality. I liked Mare as a character a lot. I just could feel for her anger and bitterness towards Silvers who don't know, or care, for thousands of people who die in a war they started. As all characters in this story, Mare isn't all good and nice. She is an interesting protagonist with strong beliefs and a lot of love for her family. She uses everyone and everything to do what she think is right. But still, with all lies, tricks and betrayals, she still is a good person. That kind of main character who is more grey than white is something I love about this book. 

Only thing that is super annoying about Mare is that she can't deal with consequences of her actions. She wants to start a revolution and all, but always whines about people dying. She talks about her hate towards Silver's and about showing them how it's like to be killed and sent to war, but when it's time to kill or assassinate someone she faints or thinks it's not fair. She uses people and betrays them, but when they actually get angry at her and start hating her she becomes all whiny and starts saying she did not mean to.

Other characters are no better or worse than Mare, everyone betrays everyone. Both love interests have interesting personalities, although I love Maven better. He is villain with backstory and amazing characterisation and I want something from his perspective. He is a good character with a lot of potential and hopefully he'll get more development as a villain. 

Cal is sure a complicated character, but I don't like him. Not just because of his beliefs and dedication to the throne, but because he is simply weak. He is afraid of change and the cost of it. I hope he strengthens a bit and starts working with the Guard.

As for love interest, I have nothing in particular against love triangles if they are good. As for this one it wasn't cringy or annoying at all, I think it rather contributed to the dynamics of the plot.

This book has a lot potential for sequels and I hope it lives up to my expectations about this. I'm glad plot has finally moved from court to battlefield, or Scarlet Guard shelter at least. What is needed to improve the whole impression is some more mention of this War and battlefields (which are mentioned a lot, but just like some distant phenomenon) and more mysteries and revelations about Red mutation.

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