May/June Recap & July TBR | Lina

by - 8:13 pm

Hello everyone :)

I too would like to apologize for being so inactive here in the past few months—I was just really busy with school and life in general, and on top of that, I fell into somewhat of a reading/writing slump that I couldn't really get past. Luckily, now that school has ended I have loads of free times on my hands and feel super motivated to both read books and review them, so hopefully I'll be a bit more active in the next few months.

As you probably noticed, I also skipped doing a recap & tbr post last month, so I decided to briefly include my May recap into this post just so I could keep track of what I've read which month more easily. 

May Recap

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        • 3 books (2 novels + 1 novella)
        • all fantasy
        • average rating: 4.17
>> A Gathering of Shadows - Second installment in Schwab's amazing Shades of Magic trilogy. I enjoyed it immensely, maybe even more than the first book. Kell/Lila were everything and the slow burn relationship between them was exactly what I needed to fall in love with them even more. 

>> The Tailor - A short Grishaverse novella showing one of the scenes from Shadow and Bone from Genya's point of view. It was fun reading it, but not much happened.

>> A Conjuring of Light - The epic finale to Shades of Magic. It was a bit longer than the first two installments and took me quite some time to finish, but it was so worth it. I enjoyed literally every second of reading it and fell in love with both these characters and this amazing universe Schwab created time and time again and I'd love to return to it sometime again.

June Recap

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        • 4 books (3 novels + 1 collection of novellas)
        • genres: fantasy (3), thriller (1)
        • average rating: 4.75
>> A Reaper at the Gates - The third installment in Tahir's Ember Quartet was everything I've expected it to be and then some more. Loved it! You can read my full review HERE.

>> Ghosts of the Shadow Market - All of GotSM novellas which came out over the course of 2018 were published in this book, along with two brand new novellas. If you want to know what I thought of it, you should definitely check out my review.

>> A Game of Thrones - Once the show ended (and especially with the way it ended), I simply couldn't resist picking this up. It made me fall in love with all the characters and this incredible universe Martin created all over again and I'm beyond excited about reading the rest of this series (or rather, parts of it that have been published)

>> Verity - I haven't read a good thriller in a while—and I kind of doubt I'll find anything like this anytime soon. Click HERE if you want to see me fangirl about exactly how good this book is.

July TBR

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13206900. sy475  Fairest (The Lunar Chronicles, #3.5) 25689074. sy475

What are your reading goals for July? What is the best book you've read so far this year?

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