Witness the fate of beloved heroes - and enemies.
THE BALANCE OF POWER HAS FINALLY TIPPED...The precarious equilibrium among four Londons has reached its breaking point. Once brimming with the red vivacity of magic, darkness casts a shadow over the Maresh Empire, leaving a space for another London to rise.
WHO WILL CRUMBLE?Kell - once assumed to be the last surviving Antari - begins to waver under the pressure of competing loyalties. And in the wake of tragedy, can Arnes survive?
WHO WILL RISE?Lila Bard, once a commonplace - but never common - thief, has survived and flourished through a series of magical trials. But now she must learn to control the magic, before it bleeds her dry. Meanwhile, the disgraced Captain Alucard Emery of the Night Spire collects his crew, attempting a race against time to acquire the impossible.
WHO WILL TAKE CONTROL?And an ancient enemy returns to claim a crown while a fallen hero tries to save a world in decay.
"Scars are not shameful, not unless you let them be. If you do not wear them, they will wear you."
This book was a finale I needed after reading the perfection that A Gathering of Shadows turned out to be. It was extremely action-packed, and when I say that, I mean like 600 pages of pure action, with barely any time to take a break. Characters had a lot going on, from constant matches with Osaron, to political concerns, new alliances building, and old breaking. This amazing world author created continues to develop and amaze me. New forms of magic, spells, and knowledge of the Antari are deepened and aimed into a battle for saving not one, but three worlds and magic as they know it.
I still can't get enough of this beautiful world and Schwab's writing. She absolutely obsessed me with these books, her amazing writing, characters and always dynamic story, so you can only imagine how thrilled I was when I read she is planning another series set in this world.
Again, these incredible characters I've come to love so much continue to develop and amaze me even more. I just can't get over how badass, strong and selfless Kell is, he's like ultimate protagonist with so many layers that just keep unfolding. While burning love for Lila Bard never faltered, I found myself enjoying perspectives and development of other characters. Rhy, relaxed and ambitious, having to carry a burden of a crown prince and Alucard Emery, whom I liked before, but he started to annoy me (probably because Kell didn't like him, duh Kell Maresh above all xd). His free spirit and interesting tragic backstory make him more than just a love interest, but a significant factor for the story itself. And there's another character I haven't mentioned in reviews for previous books because I didn't know what exactly would happen with him.
Holland Vorjsik, who was tortured and controlled by Athos Dane and has lost almost any reason to exist except to save his world. This book was focused on his development and storyline a bit more than other characters because the third Antari has an important role to play in this battle. After Dane twins' deaths, his only motive was to help his world and I could see his character was driven only by that. He is one of the more complex and engaging characters.
I haven't dreamed I would come to love these characters so much and I enjoyed every moment of their journey and fight together.
There is nothing to stop me from giving this book a shiny 5-star rate, except for one thing (two actually). I really hate when authors give glimpses of some mysteries or past experiences for some characters like it's going to be important whether for plot or their development, but then "forget" about it or dismiss it.
That's what bothered me about Kell and Lila's backstories. We got full insight in Holland's story, his Antari abilities, journey to the throne, but any information about Kell's family and/or Lila's past and her fake eye (who took out her black eye? Why did they do it?) were bypassed. I get that Kell decided he didn't want to know his real family when he found a new one, but why was that implied to be important?
*spoiler in the following paragraph*
And the second thing that was left unclear and unfinished was the fate of White London. I didn't understand what happened after Holland died, but there should have been some kind of epilogue about its further development and recovery.
There isn't much left to say, except I loved this trilogy. It was an amazing journey and I hate to say goodbye, so now I'm on a mission of finding books to cure my book hungover xd
"Anoshe was a word for strangers in the street, and lovers between meetings, for parents and children, friends and family. It softened the blow of leaving. Eased the strain of parting. A careful nod to the certainty of today, the mystery of tomorrow. When a friend left, with little chance of seeing home, they said anoshe. When a loved one was dying, they said anoshe. When corpses were burned, bodies given back to the earth and souls to the stream, those left grieving said anoshe.
Anoshe brought solace. And hope. And the strength to let go."
Anoshe, I don't have the strength to let go ;(
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