July Recap & August TBR | Lina

by - 5:57 pm

Hello everyone! :)

Another month has passed, which means it's time for another recap/TBR post. And I'm actually super excited for this one as I've really been in a mood (and had time) for reading lately so I'm finally catching up with my TBR and reading challenge.

July recap

36381037 13206760. sy475  13206828. sy475
13206900. sy475  46184206. sy475

      • 5 books (4 novels + 1 novella)
      • genres: young adult (5), sci-fi (4), historical fiction (1)
      • average rating: 4.5
>> The Lunar Chronicles - After almost a year of putting TLC on my various TBRs, I finally got around to reading it this month, and I'm so glad I did! I'm actually thinking about putting these on my favourites list, that's how much I liked it :D My Cinder review is already up and you can read it HERE, and the rest will be up shortly :)
>> Becoming the Dark Prince - SJTR novella that I've been waiting for ages to read! Review HERE

August TBR

22489107 25689074. sy475  39863498
Vicious (Villains, #1) 26856502. sy475  17259690

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