Whoops, I did it again...
I made a TBR
and didn't complete it.
*covers in shame*
March recap
I knew I was definitely being too ambitious when I said I would read 10 books in March, but I honestly hadn't expected to read only 2 out of these 10 books in a whole 31-day month. Oh well. Better luck next month, I guess.
Both books I've read were sequels to Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, which I've been loving so far. Even despite knowing pretty much all of the major plot twist, these were both immensely fun to read and I enjoyed every moment of it.
On the brighter side though, I've (finally!) started watching Game of Thrones this March which may or may not be the reason why I neglected pretty much everything else in life so I think I could be forgiven for transfering pretty much my whole March TBR to April. #sorrynotsorry
April TBR
Yeah, it's pretty much the same as the last time so I think there is no need for any further explanation or anything. I'm still not sure whether I'm going to read HOO now, as I'm currently not really in a mood for it, so I might change it all up in the process.
I've already finished The Last Olympian though, which leaves me with only seven more books to go (if I decide to stick to this list, that is), so fingers crossed I don't fail for the umpteenth time (I really need to learn to manage my time better because I'm starting to annoy both myself and probably you guys as well with this attitude :/)
How do you guys manage to win a fight against time and your TBRs? Share your tips with me in the comments section! :)
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