August Recap & September TBR | Lina

by - 9:08 pm

I swear it feels like it has only been a week since I wrote last month's Recap & TBR post—I can't believe it's September already. I'm definitely not ready to go back to school just yet.

Also, as you probably noticed, I've been neglecting my reviews again and I don't even want to know how much behind I am at the moment. But I guess there's nothing new there, eh. I am slowly making my way through them though, and I might actually finish a couple of them this week, so stay tuned for that (or at least to see me fail miserably yet again xd)

August recap

22489107 25689074. sy475  39863498
Vicious (Villains, #1) 26856502. sy475  18248613

      • 6 books 
      • genres: young adult fantasy (3), adult sci-fi (3)
      • average rating: 3.75
>> Fairest & Stars Above - Two extras from The Lunar Chronicles, a serial I read last month. Noting special, but it was fun returning to Meyer's amazing universe and reading about some of my favourite characters again.
>> Villains series - This has been on my TBR for ages and I'm so glad I finally found time to read it. It really lived up to my expectations and I'd definitely recommend it.
>> The Gilded Wolves - The whole concept of this book sounds amazing and just to my liking so I was sure I was going to enjoy it. Unfortunately, the way the idea was executed just didn't seem to work for me. :/

September TBR

17259690 18187013 23594461 37539001
 + some of the following: Children of Blood and Bone, Ten Thousand Doors of January, If I'm Being Honest, With Malice, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo)

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